Last week I had the privilege of seeing a speaker who has a great reputation, and because of demand has been able to elevate his fee considerably in recent years. The speaker, Dick Hoyt, is as good as advertised. However, it is not his amazing speaking skills or effective use of humor that captures us. Dick Hoyt has a story that absolutely captivates you. If you are not aware, Dick Hoyt is a triathlete who has participated for the last 30 years in triathlons and marathons with a partner. Hoyt's partner is his son Rick, who since birth has not been able to walk or talk, but is Hoyt's motivation to excel.
As you listen to Dick Hoyt, you will find out that having Rick as a partner has created some interesting challenges for Dick. For example, during the swimming part of the triathlon, Dick ties a rope to himself and connects that rope to a boat. Rick is placed in the boat. Incredibly this boat weighs enough that two men are required to carry it. Therefore, swimming 1 or 2 miles in these conditions is not an easy chore for Dick Hoyt.
What will truly amaze you as you listen to this story is that not only does the Dick/Rick Hoyt team complete these events (over 1000 of them in 30 years), but they do very well. In fact, their best marathon time is 2 hours and 40 minutes (only 30 minutes off of the world record). What drives Dick Hoyt to exceed his own abilities when he partners with Rick? How did Dick realize so easily that his son Rick (now a college graduate) was capable of so much?
If you get a chance to see Dick Hoyt speak, you can determine your own answers to these questions. As you hear his speech, you will laugh, clap, and probably cry, and this is because you will be convinced that Dick Hoyt is a great man, doing great things for his son.
Sometimes it is just the power of the story that gets you.