Social media, although a relatively recent phenomenon, is becoming an increasingly important part of any business’s marketing and client base development platform. The perception of social media marketing has shifted quickly—no longer viewed as a trendy or passing fad, having a flexible and well-managed presence in each of the “big three” (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+) has become a must for any business seeking to secure a place in both the traditional and digital marketplace. If you would like additional information on any of our new keynote speakers or our existing speakers, please contact us at 800-754-9404.
Angela Maiers
Today, Angela is at the forefront of Web 2.0 technologies and keeping
her eye toward Web 3.0. An active blogger and social media evangelist,
she is deeply committed to helping learners of all ages understand the
transformational power of literacy and the potential of technology as a
vehicle and platform for their success in school and beyond. Concerned
that nearly a billion people in the world lack basic literacy, she
believes the time is now to lay the groundwork for a new vision literacy
education; one with world changing implications.Jay Baer

Amy Jo Martin
Amy Jo Martin founded Digital Royalty three years
ago to help companies, celebrities, professional sports leagues, teams
and athletes build, measure and monetize their digital universe.
In addition, Digital Royalty provides customized social media education
programs through Digital Royalty University, which offers a
comprehensive curriculum blending strategic and tactical training. In
October 2012, she became a New York Times best-selling author with the
publication of her book, Renegades Write the Rules.
Adam Grant
Adam Grant is the youngest tenured professor at
Wharton, and he has been named one of the world’s 40 best business
professors under 40 and one of BusinessWeek’s favorite professors. He is
a leading expert in management and psychology, and the author of Give
and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success. Grant has presented for leaders at organizations such as Google, the
NFL, IBM, Merck, the World Economic Forum, Goldman Sachs, Estée Lauder
and the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force.
Chris Sacca
Chris Sacca knows success. As former Head of Special
Initiatives for Google, he was privy to all projects in development and
served as Google's leadership spokesperson. And, Sacca knows Twitter. A
first round investor in the social networking phenomenon, he is now a
formal advisor. Broadening his vision, he also served as
Telecommunications, Media, and Technology Advisor for the Obama
campaign. Today, through his holding company Lowercase Capital, he
manages a portfolio of over three dozen consumer web, mobile, cloud, and
wireless technology startups as well as an array of mature enterprises.Call Executive Speakers Bureau to book on of these outstanding speakers, or to discuss your event with one of our talent consultants. 800-754-9404