Erik Wahl
As an internationally recognized graffiti artist, author and entrepreneur, Erik Wahl redefines the term “motivational speaker.” Pulling from his history as both a businessman and an artist, he has grown to become one of the most sought-after corporate speakers available today. Erik’s on-stage painting seamlessly becomes a visual metaphor to the core of his message, encouraging organizations toward profitability through innovations and superior levels of performance.John Foley
John Foley has spent nearly a decade sharing practical and inspirational messages on high performance with audiences around the world. The former lead solo pilot for the famed Blue Angels flight-demonstration squadron is among the most sought-after conference speakers, presenting motivational messages at more than 100 events a year. He also is the founder and CEO of CenterPoint Companies, which provides in-depth training on the How of High Performance
J.R. Martinez
J.R. Martinez has become a highly sought-after motivational speaker, traveling the country to spread his message of resilience and optimism. He devotes himself to showing others the true value in making the most of every situation. He is called on by a wide-range of groups, including large corporations, veterans groups, non-profits and schools, and has shared the stage with the likes of global self-help guru Tony Robbins and Evangelist Dave Roever.
Connie Podesta
Connie is NOT your typical quick-fix, rah-rah motivational speaker. She brings much more to the table. Solutions? She’s got a ton. Power point slideshow? No way! Results? You’ll love the feedback. Insight? Her ability to tune in to an audience’s needs is uncanny. Return on Investment? Her take- home strategies keep working long after the event. Trust? You’ll know you’re in good hands the minute she walks on stage. Entertaining. Laugh-out-loud humor with a message!
Shawn Achor
Motivational speaker Shawn Achor travels around the United States and Europe giving talks on positive psychology to Fortune 500 corporations, schools, and non-profit organizations, including American Express, Credit Suisse, KPMG, Harvard Law School, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, One Day University, and Phillips Andover Academy.Call Executive Speakers Bureau to book on of these outstanding speakers, or to discuss your event with one of our talent consultants. 800-754-9404
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